
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Makeup After Bedtime

After a long day of work, school and errands I can't wait to climb into bed like most people. As for us ladies we can't always hop right into bed, washing off your makeup is very important. Falling asleep with your makeup on causes you to break out with pimples and blackheads, as well as waking up with puffy eye's, and chancing of a stye occuring in your eye. For you ladies who don't know what a stye is, they can form on the outside or inside of your eyelid, it often looks like a lump, with a white or yellow spot that looks much like a large hard pimple. These can last for a couple days and often cause some swelling and pain. You cannot, I mean cannot use any makeup around your eyes while you have one or you will spread the infection. For more info on this you can visit

Going to bed with your makeup on isn't always good for your face but as well as your pillows. Believe it or not when you lay your head down on your pillow with that all that makeup on from earlier it rubs off onto your pillow. Even if it's only for one or two nights you should change your pillow cover, with old makeup on your pillow this will cause you to break out even after washing your face. I know must of us girls cant stand those nasty pimples are annoying blackheads on our beatiful faces! Here are some tips on what to wash your face with and what to carry with you if you don't make it home that night!

For an affordable price: Equate Facial Cleansing Towelettes
If your too tired you can wipe down your face with these and wash your face in the morning

Mac Bulk Wipes
These are a little more expensive( $26.00) but these work amazing and are sooo durable

For on the go: Target Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes
These are small enough to carry in your purse, and work perfect if you don't make it home for the night!

As for face wash anything you use that suites you should work, as long as you remember to wash your face in the morning when you wake up and at night before you go to sleep.

and also don't forget to always put a moisturizer or face cream on your face after washing!


  1. Ohhh man...sometimes I sleep with my makeup on...maybe that why I freaking break out! I heard the MAC makeup cloths do work very well...I think I am going to buy them since sometimes I am too lazy to wash my face.

  2. Also, thanks for that website...I am FOR SURE going to be more cautious.
