
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Keeping your makeup brushes clean

As I was putting my makeup on today, I glanced down at my brushes and knew it was time to clean them. I usualy wipe them off everytime I use them with a makeup remover, but that just doesn't seem to do the job just right. It doesn't take much time out of your day to clean your brushes and it's a good thing to do often. After many uses makeup gets trapped in your brush and the bacteria starts to seep in, which can cause acne and believe it or not your makup doesn't go on as smooth. here are some easy steps to follow!

You will need:
1 cup of hot water
3-4 pumps of soap ( I like to use dial)
1 towel ( that you don't mind getting stained of course)

How to:
1. Dip your brushes in the hot soapy water, let soak for 2-3 minutes.
2. Use towel, and move brushes back in and forth, not too rough until you see the old makeup appear on the towel.
3. Repeat step 1 & 2, a couple more times.

After your brushes should look new again!you can do this 1-2 times a week if you are using heavy makeup. If you dont use your makeup every day and it's really light makeup try to clean them every 2 weeks. You can also buy a brush cleaner at any retail store or makeup counter.

If your makeup brushes look like this I would suggest cleaning them ASAP!

clean brushes always makes a clean face happy!

1 comment:

  1. Leave it to Nicole= LIFESAVER! I never really cleaned my brushes because I never really knew how. I am so excited about this. I am going to buy dial now.
